Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kingdom Living

"...I wonder if most people who look good all the time are really out of touch with themselves, unaware of how they impact others, and covering up deep pain with the pleasures of activity and achievmants. Perhaps much of what passes for spiritual maturity is maintained by a rigid denial of all that is happening beneath the surface of their lives. Maybe in this life it's impossible to be as together as some people look." -Dr. Larry Crab Inside Out

Phew! All those people who look good on the outside and are always happy are maybe, possibly, just in denial of how messed up life here on earth really is. Or maybe they have a really good sense of Kingdom-living. You know, living for the Kingdom and not for the earth. It's such a release to not have to compare myself to those who 'have it all together' because they really don't. It's not human, its not of this earth. I guess its all in the perspective we hold. If we live for things of the earth, chasing wealth & human acceptance we will be disappointed. BUT if we focus our eyes on Heaven, our ultimate goal & prize, our perspective changes from ourselves to God & futhering His Kingdom....Kingdom Living.

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